Blog, Market Reports

October 2019 Crested Butte Market Report

September 2019 sales in the Crested Butte-Gunnison area totaled $31.4M dollars, a slight decrease from last year’s $31.8M. As we’ve seen for the past few months, however, the total number of sales were down- just 56 transactions last month compared to 75 the year before.

Eric Larsen Crested Butte Explorer and Adventurer
Blog, Podcast

Ep. 42 Eric Larsen | Cold Weather Explorer

Here in Crested Butte, his adventures are more straightforward and familiar to many of us- as simple as spending time with his family or riding the 401 trail on his mountain bike.  The ability to have an adventure right from his front door is one of the reasons why Eric recently relocated here.

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