Pardon the Dust

Recently, the Gunnison Multiple Listing Service (MLS) went through some changes. As of mid February, the local MLS is now on the same system as other parts of southwest Colorado, including Durango, Telluride, and Montrose. This change will have a number of affects, but for local listings it should prove to be a great development, because more buyers (and their agents) can now view listings in Gunnison and Crested Butte.

In the short term, however, this is creating a number of challenges. For this website, that means quite a bit of work to get the various searches and community pages running correctly again. I’m working on it, but there are of course a number of different entities involved, so it may take a while- especially because I have a broken finger, which is making computer work more difficult than usual. If you’re having trouble, please let me know so I can run a search for you and email you what you’re looking after. Thanks!

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