Carrie Jo Chernoff Hicks has a great story to tell, and I’m so glad she was able to join me for this episode. Originally from Maryland, Carrie Jo grew up loving karate, but then she didn’t… Instead of giving it up, she stuck with it, however, eventually earning a black belt. That experience taught her many life lessons which stayed with her, even today.
Once Carrie Jo moved to the Crested Butte area, she took up outdoor sports like so many of us have. In Mountain Biking, she took on the Montezuma’s Revenge race- a 24 hour stage race that no one ever finished. Competing in the Crested Butte Extreme Skiing championships (now more commonly known as “Big Mountain”), she and her husband did so well they were able to make the down payment on their home.
Today, Carrie Jo has taken all of those experiences and uses them to help her clients at her Crossfit gym, Synergy Athlete. As I listened to Carrie Jo, it struck me that she is a great motivator thanks to her life experiences and how she can relate those to goal setting. Finally, we discuss community, and a terrific non-profit that she supports.
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Learn More:
For more information about Synergy Athlete, Crossfit, and Carrie Jo Chernoff Hicks, visit the website: Synergy Athlete.
Or the Facebook Page: Synergy Athlete on Facebook.
If you would like to learn more about the Crested Butte fund, or donate to it, visit their website: Crested Butte Fund.
PS- Sorry for the rough audio on both the intro and the “Crested Butte Real Estate Minute”. The interview is fine, however. I was on vacation and did not have my microphone with me, so I did the best I could with what I had 🙂