Ep. 2 Mike Arbaney | Structural Engineering and Restoring Old Cars

Mike Arbaney is a Crested Butte fixture. Chances are, you’ve seen him out on the slopes, or out on the trails. At the very least, you’ve probably been in a home or a hotel that he had a hand in engineering. When he isn’t busy at work as a structural engineer, he’s probably taking apart an old car, trying to make it work again- or driving it on the streets of Crested Butte now that it’s running again. Finally, if you’ve seen a skiing cookie monster or a box of Franzia wine skiing down the North Face, you’ve almost certainly met Mike Arbaney, hard at work in the Al Johnson uphill-downhill telemark race. Enjoy this episode of the Crested Butte is Home Podcast, and please leave a review and subscribe:

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Crested Butte Real Estate

In this episode’s Crested Butte real estate minute, I discussed the best times of year to sell Crested Butte properties. Sign up for my monthly newsletters and stay in touch with Crested Butte events, the real estate market, and more.

Would you like to get in touch with Mike for your next building project or talk about cars? You can find him at this link.

Ep. 2 Mike Arbaney | Structural Engineering and Restoring Old Cars
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Ep. 2 Mike Arbaney | Structural Engineering and Restoring Old Cars
Episode 2 of the Crested Butte is Home podcast interviews Mike Arbaney- lover of old cars, structural engineer for buildings large and small throughout Telluride, Aspen, and Crested Butte, and one of the kings of Al Johnson costumes.
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