Tim Poppe originally hails from Houston Texas, as do so many of our residents and visitors. After a move to Denver further shaped his love of outdoor sports, Tim was able to relocate to Crested Butte. Tim is a physical therapist, so on the one hand you hope you’ll never meet him. If you do need physical therapy, however, you’ll probably get to know him well, and thankfully he’s a pretty good guy.
We discuss his own [long!] laundry list of personal injuries, and his favorite activities in Crested Butte, which has grown to include sports that are new to him, like flyfishing. In a town that is full of talented athletes, Tim talks about the challenges of getting motivated athletes to actually take a little time off so they can heal. Tim can also look at your body movement and work on preventing injuries. Not only that, he can also help with bike fit- an often overlooked component that sometimes only becomes an issue when you put in big miles, as it did for me many years ago.
Want to learn more about Tim Poppe, Crested Butte Physiotherapy, or ask about getting a bike fit?:
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