Barb Peters grew up in 1980’s Crested Butte- a place far different than the Crested Butte of today. And yet in some ways, it wasn’t that different- the kids of those times grew up as athletes just as many do today. Because of that, Barb competed in the first US Extreme Skiing Championships and quickly earned her nickname- Big Air Barb. In one of the most memorable moments of that competition that still exists today, Barb dislodged a huge car-sized chunk of snow which tumbled down the slope behind her towards the spectators at the bottom of the “Big Hourglass” venue.
Last weekend (the first weekend of August), Barb took part in the Crested Butte Rendezvous, an annual event where participants reenact the early 1800’s- the days of the Mountain Man (and women) who were often fur trappers. (Think Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson or Leonardo DiCaprio in Revenant). If you’ve ever wondered what the story was with all those tipis in Washington Gulch at this time of year (or the rendezvous participants in the 4th of July parade) this is your chance to learn more about what goes on up there.
Want to learn more about the Crested Butte Rendezvous?:
Crested Butte Rendezvous Facebook Page
Photo courtesy of Nolan Blunck
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